Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Easy Strategies For Goal Setting

By Slawek Polinski


Goal Setting Basics
Here we go, another article on goal setting. You may have heard some of these tips before:
  • Be very clear on your goals.
  • Write them down.
  • Break those goals into smaller goals or action steps.
  • Take immediate action.
Now this is just a basic outline on setting and achieving goals which can definitely be broken down into greater detail. Many people know what needs to be done to successfully accomplish their goals and yet many people fall short on their goals.

  1. They aren't doing the basics.
  2. Many people know what they should do and either aren't doing it consistently or not at all.
The above steps I have outlined are, as I stated, "the basics" in goal setting and to be effective in achieving goals you must do the basics...consistently and daily.

Here's an example:
All great athletes and ball players know in order to have the best chance in performing flawlessly they must be solid in their basics. If they are not it will open the door to errors and defeat. Just having knowledge of the basics is not good enough to succeed. They must be practiced daily and consistently to have the best chance of victory.

The same applies to setting goals. Just knowing what to do is not enough, the basics of goal setting must be practiced to be successful. For many years I couldn't see the benefit in writing my goals down. "I don't have to write them down because I have a good memory," I thought. Today it does not surprise me why my past goals were seldom accomplished.
Goal Setting Review
So lets review:
  • First be very clear and precise about your goal. Saying you want to be happy or successful is vague and needs to be defined. If success, then what does success mean to you? Is it a new job or business? Well then state what kind of job or business you want and by when. The clearer you are on your desired outcome, the better the odds are in your favor.
  • IMPORTANT - Write them down! There have been studies done which prove what you write down you remember with greater clarity. Don't make the same mistake I made years ago by thinking you'll just remember it because you won't. You see there is an event called life that distracts us so unless it is written down, it is easily forgotten. Once you write them down keep them somewhere where you can regularly see and review them and don't just file them away. Have you ever gone grocery shopping and forgotten your shopping list at home? Chances are you did not buy everything you needed and that is why you need to see you goal list regularly.
  • Break them down into smaller goals or action steps. What are the necessary steps you must now take to move you closer to your desired outcome or goal? By breaking your goals down into smaller steps the original goal will not feel out of reach and you will gain self-confidence as you complete each step.
  • Take action! If you want to acquire success in your life and reach the goals you set for yourself, take immediate action. That means now, not later and not tomorrow.
The the first thing I do everyday when I sit down at my desk, is to write my daily action steps on post-it notes which I stick to the bottom of my computer monitor. I spend much of my time during the day writing, creating speeches and programs as well as updating my blog so these daily goals are in front of me a good portion of the day. As I complete a task I pull it down and throw it out. This routine has increased my productivity by a considerable amount. Find a place in your home or office where your goals or action steps can be in clear view for you to see. This will help keep life's distractions from keeping you from your goals.

Slawek Polinski is a motivational and personal development speaker inspiring audiences to overcome their obstacles, challenges and limiting beliefs. Slawek motivates people to achieve, purpose, direction an passion in their lives and to reach for heights that were in the past out of reach.

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