Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

10 reasons for a telecommute job

Telecommuting is essentially working from home full time, or several days out of the workweek. More and more companies are finding that it makes their workers more productive to have this type of a work schedule. The following article gives ten reasons why you should telecommute.

1. Flexible work hours. If you are telecommuting, your schedule is more flexible. This will allow time for running errands or doctors appointments.

2. You’ll save money on buying clothes for work. If you work from home a few days a week, this means less outlay for clothes for work. You can work from home in your bathrobe and slippers if necessary, and no one will know the wiser.

3. You’ll save money on your dry-cleaning bill. If you work from home you won’t have to spend as much money on your dry-cleaning. You will be wearing those types of outfits less often and they will require cleaning on a less frequent basis.

4. You’ll save money on parking. Many places of business, especially in the heart of the city, charge you a monthly fee to park your car. If you are working from home full-time, you won’t have to pay this fee. If you are working from home only part time, you may be able to split the cost with another employee or have the fee reduced by your company.

5. You’ll save commute time. If you are working from home, you won’t have to deal with driving through traffic at peak commute times. No more traffic jams!

6. You’ll avoid office politics. If you work from home you won’t have to deal as much with office politics. You can get down to business and not worry about getting caught at the water cooler by the office gossip.

7. You won’t be micro-managed. If you are telecommuting, you can basically perform your job without someone looking over your shoulder. This can allow for a less stressful work situation.

8. You can spend more time with your family. By telecommuting you will have more time to spend with your family. You will be able to be home when the kids come home from school, or be able to pick them up and take them to their soccer game or karate lessons.

9. You will be more productive. If you work from home there will most likely be fewer distractions around you; therefore, you should be more productive.

10. You will be helping the environment. Working from home a few days a week or full time will reduce the number of cars there are on the road, thereby reducing the amount of pollution in the air.

Now that you have some tips on why your should telecommute, use them to your advantage. If your company is hesitant to implement a telecommuting program, suggest a ‘pilot program’ to start with. Include the tips listed above as part of your campaign for telecommuting. Good luck!

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