Here are simple tips you can apply in your daily life in the office:
1. Maximize the use of paper.
For your information, the paper industry is one of the three largest industries in the world that spend the most energy and water. Every year people around the world spend I billion tons of paper. Imagine how many trees must be felled. Therefore, Instill pattern reuse, recycle and reduce. Think twice before you print on a piece of paper, and use both sides. Use waste paper for photocopying and use pieces of scrap paper as a substitute or bound into noteblock. For internal purposes of the office, re-use old envelopes. Instead of copying a piece of announcement to be distributed to employees, use e-mail or attach a sheet of the announcement at your office communication board. Use of digital files / soft copy at any time.
2. Save ink printer.
If possible, avoid color printing. If you need to print in color print, select draft mode. Bought cartridges that have been re-manufactured and recycled your toner / cartridge
3. Use the projector.
In the meeting time use in focus / projector to deliver material rather than distribute photocopied materials.
4. Separate office trash.
Put trash cans separately for papers, plastics, cans / glasses. Put the recycle bin near the places that require recycled paper such as a copier, printer or mail room.
5. Use local products.
If you are responsible for purchasing stationery, chose local products. In addition to reduce your carbon foot print also provides support for the development of local industry.
6. Turn off the computer when you're not using it.
Turn off your computer every time you go out for lunch. Imagine how much energy could be saved if everyone turned off their computers for at least 1 hour during lunch hour. Every time you go home, disconnect the computer power cord, even through you have turned off the computers, as so long as the power source connected, the computer still ‘consumes' electricity.
7. Turn off the lights when you do not need it.
Career in the abundance of sunshine throughout the year is a great gift. Take advantage of sunlight from the window glass as a source of light.
8. Set the temperature of the room.
Very often we see an employee must wear a jacket in air-conditioned room. Whereas the purpose of the AC is to regulate the temperature of a room that is conducive to work, especially in tropical countries like Indonesia. The lower temperature of the room, so the greater energy it needs. Set the temperature of the room based on your comfortable for jobs because If the temperature is too cold it will make uncomfortable feeling in your working.
9. Use public transportation.
Reduce your carbon foot print by using public transportation. Indeed, the development of transportation facilities in Indonesia are still not able to meet the level of comfortability and practicality, but this is one of way to live friendly with nature that you can practice.
10. If possible, work from home!
Ask your Boss, if it is possible for commuters (commuter) as you work from home at least 1 time in a week. This method may not be commonly used in Indonesia, but in some developed countries this way is one of way to save electricity consumption in offices and reducing the carbon foot print for employees who drive (commute) every day.
Consistency in carrying out these tips will bring changes which the result will not be felt directly by you or by your office management, but these tips are our effort to save our Earth.
Employment , Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia
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