Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Causes of obstructed Careers

By : Karir-up.com

You certainly have a target in a career. To achieve this, let's get rid of the various causes that could hamper the pace of your career.

Own work
Habit finish the job alone is less favorable for career advancement. Although your ability to stand out, dominate the job action could hurt yourself and coworkers. As a result, progress could be hampered teamwork and assessment of your work performance declined dramatically. Solution, realize your limits and give them a chance to others to show their results.

Less professional
Every person must have had personal problems which can sometimes disrupt the mood. However, when being in the workplace, you should be able to behave professionally and firmly draw the line between work life and personal life. Do not also run away from responsibility and accomplish your work quota. If necessary, take time off to calm down and ask for the permission of superiors for the postponement of the deadline for the completion of tasks.

Lack of motivation
Characteristics, you called Miss Lelet as a hobby comes late and leave early than a specified time. If you're ngantor anything, you seem passionate and like to postpone the work. As a result, when the deadline was mepet, dither chasing targets and completed the job with the degree necessary. If you already like, do not be surprised when assessing the performance you are always under the average and your career stagnates. Learn to love what you do. If this does not really work as you wish, there's nothing wrong you pursue other work opportunities in place.

In this world nothing is perfect. If you feel less suitable mix with certain colleagues, save your opinions carefully and try to be professional. If the company felt appreciation of yourself are not appropriate, discuss it with his superiors. If you feel deserve a raise or promotion you fight for these rights. Avoid the habit of complaining because it is tantamount to spread the "poison" that can make the working atmosphere is not conducive.

The relationship was not harmonious
Although wanted to separate personal and work life, build a "fortress" in the workplace is harmful habits. Good relationships with colleagues have established to facilitate your football lunge at work, and increasing the value in the eyes of the company. Mingling with fellow employees can also launch the entry of information that are important to your career advancement.

Disappeared for a moment
Every once in a while people do need a break from the routine work. During the task wrong, momentarily "disappear" from the desk is not a criminal. Occasionally add a quota or a late lunch ngantor obvious reasons probably still quite reasonable in the eyes of his superiors. Another problem when you make the activity as a hobby or skipping a monthly ritual.

No update
Always stuck behind a desk and do not keep in touch with that going on around even to make you miss the latest information, which often affect the job. Diligently read the newspaper and other media that contain useful information very big role in improving the quality yourself. Also Enrich yourself with information coming from the scope of the world association.

Job Vacancy , Indonesia Job , Job Indonesia

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