Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

4 Types of Political Players in the Office

by Larry Buhl, for Yahoo! HotJobs

The campaign trail isn't the only place to find political players; your office may be loaded with them. In a new survey conducted by Accountemps, more than half (53%) of employees interviewed said the level of office politics in their workplaces has increased compared to five years ago, and just 12% said politics has declined.

"I think in uncertain times like these, people are even more sensitive to political undercurrents in the office," Josh Warborg, district president for Accountemps, tells Yahoo! Hot Jobs. But office politicians are real, and a little understanding of the types and how they operate can help you avoid getting burned, Warborg adds.

Below are four common types of players and Warborg's advice for handling them:

* The Pundit loves to speculate about what's happening around the office. They may have good information, or they may just like to gossip. For dealing with this type, you should listen, but don't share too much information if you don't want to end up in the rumor mill.

* The Lobbyist is always championing his or her projects. But they don't always have the best ideas and they're usually not willing to hear dissenting opinions. Be aware of the agendas they're pushing, carefully evaluate the merit of the issues when they ask for your support, and be willing to stand up for the better idea, Warborg says.

* The Covert Operator is a charmer, and tries to get ahead through manipulation rather than good ideas and hard work. This person will criticize coworkers and take credit for other people's projects. Stand up for yourself if you're on the receiving end of such smears and make sure the leadership understands your ideas are better (if they really are). But don't respond with hostility or your own covert actions.

* The Advisor is tight with a company's leadership and serves as their eyes and ears. This type may not be a negative influence; many are senior aides or executive assistants and have earned their place in the organization. But because they wield significant behind-the-scenes influence, it's important to tread carefully. Work to develop a good rapport with them, without resorting to gossip-mongering or obsequiousness, Warborg says.

The best way to avoid the most poisonous office politics, Warborg suggests, is to look for the warning signs before you're hired. "If you're being interviewed by people who badmouth others on the team or disclose sensitive information, it's a sign that the company may not have a culture of meritocracy."

If your office is a political minefield and you don't have the option of leaving, Warborg recommends doing what your parents and grandparents told you to do: Keep your nose to the grindstone.

"Work hard, focus on results, and have a good attitude," he says. "If an employer sees you doing these things, it should take you far, no matter what kind of political environment you're in."

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